Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Dietary Considerations and Rickets

Since rickets is a nutritional disease related to a deficiency of vitamin D, it is important for a person who has rickets to eat foods rich in vitamin D. Foods that contain high amounts of vitamin D include fatty fish, cheese, egg yolks, and other foods fortified with vitamin D. Nowadays, these can include cereal, some dairy products, orange juice, or soy milk.

 It is also recommended that the diet includes the contribution of other vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C.  These foods can include bell peppers, leafy greens, and other vegetables. Fruits such as kiwis, papayas, and berries also contain high amounts of vitamin C.

Avoiding foods that are high in white sugar is often advised because these foods hold very little benefits, and definitely are not high in vitamin D or C.

Consuming enough vitamin D while pregnant can also be crucial in ensuring that your child will not develop rickets later in life. Make sure to eat a diet rich in vegetables that have not been overcooked, which can cause them to lose some of their nutritional properties. After the baby is born, make sure to include a vitamin D supplement in addition to breast milk. Breast milk on its own does not include the necessary 400 IU of vitamin D that a baby needs daily.

Of course, overall, follow the diet regiment that is advised by a medical professional.

For more information please read

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